Master class sample

A unique course where fairy tale, theater, games, learning French and etiquette are intertwined!

Course duration: 3 months / 24 hours or 12 lessons.
One session contains:
Module 1 - French with fairy tale - 60 min
Tea break – 30 min
Module 2 - Aesthetic education and good manners (etiquette) - 60 min
330 euros (110 euros / month or 30 euros for one lesson)

The course is suitable for those children who love to play and learn something new while playing. Playing a theatrical mini production in French, the children get the opportunity to get acquainted with French pronunciation, memorize specific colloquial phrases with the help of multiple automation of grammatical forms. The unique technique contributes to the development of memory, and the game form helps to relieve or reduce physical and intellectual stress caused by the stress on the nervous system by active learning in a comprehensive school, restores the balance of power.

The module of the course "French with a fairy tale" will allow children to get acquainted with a new language, "try on" French pronunciation and can be a starting point for further serious study of the language. And in general, to understand for yourself: do I need this language?
In the Aesthetic Education and Good Manners module, the children analyze in detail the rules for the behavior of characters in fairy tales played out in French, discuss and independently deduce and draw up norms of behavior for various life situations.

At the end of the course, the child will know
French tongue twisters and rhymes
Some rules for French pronunciation
Replicas of your character and other heroes of French fairy tales being played (three months - three mini-tales)
the basics of speech etiquette and its application in various situations: # nbsp; # nbsp; # nbsp; # nbsp; # nbsp; greeting, appeal, farewell, etc.
moral norms and rules of moral behavior in communication with friends, with other people
Rules of conduct at a party and at home